The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020 is upon us! I feel like it was just last year and I was awake in the middle of the night shopping my heart out! The things we do for a good sale. Speaking of a good sale. This is one of the best sales of the year! This is the time of year that you can stock up on all your fall and winter gear right before the season hits and snagging items that are marked way down. I know you’re probably annoyed with hearing about the anniversary sale already but I asked you guys if you wanted a post from me giving you all the details, and more than half said yes so I’m here to make your life a little easier. I’m going to be sharing all the details and information you need to know for this crazy sale to be a smooth movement and a successful shopping day.



I’m not one that normally condones applying for credit cards but in the case of the #NSale– worth it. BUT HEAR ME OUT! DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT GO INTO DEBT OVER THIS SALE!!! It's not that serious. I applied for one in 2017 and have used it every year to shop the sale early. The benefit of this is that popular items sell out SO QUICKLY, that you are safe to snag those major markdowns before they are sold out by shopping the sale early. You can even apply up to the day before the sale starts. Click here to apply for the Nordstrom card and shop the sale early. If you’re approved, you’ll receive a $60 Nordstrom note and I recommend using that on the sale. Woo hoo! 



Don’t even think about trying to brave the storm in store! It’s going to be a madhouse and Nordstrom offers FREE Shipping so why not?! Not only do they offer Free Shipping to you but if you need to return something, it’s FREE as well. Their customer service is always amazing but they are on their game during the sale. If you have ANY issue at all you can give them a call 24/7 and they will go above and beyond to make sure all problems are resolved. I wish all companies took notes on Nordstrom’s customer service!


Most of these items will be 40-50% off! That will make those higher end items much more affordable and worth grabbing during the sale. This is a time to spend what you wouldn’t normally spend because you are saving so much!! Last year, I grabbed so many Fall pieces that I still love and wear.


This sale is focused on Fall and Winter pieces. Is it still 100 degrees outside? Well, yes but you will thank yourself for saving hundreds of dollars on these pieces in just a few short months. I have been craving all the fall vibes lately and this sale just gets me more and more excited about the cooler months.


Most of these items will be 40-50% off! That will make those higher end items much more affordable and worth grabbing during the sale. This is a time to spend what you wouldn’t normally spend because you are saving so much!! Last year, I grabbed so many Fall pieces that I still love and wear.


I've been eyeing the site since they allowed early preview. I am Influencer Status so I can't shop until the 10th BUT I am going into the store this Friday to try things on and show you how I would style the,. I will purchase the items that I need and start working on a post that will be up that very day (a few hours later) with picks that I think will be best for you guys. 

When it's my turn to shop, I'll choose my favorites. Once I receive my items in the mail I will post a try on session on my Instagram story so make sure you are following along there (@tannermmann). I will give you my thoughts on the items and will be active throughout the entire sale to help you guys and make it a fun and convenient sale for you. My goal is to give you a place to easily shop the sale without going through hundreds of pages. That’s my job.


I just wanted to throw a little personal note in here to let you know that I do make a SMALL commission off of the items that you purchase using my links and recommendations. I tell you this because I always want to be upfront and honest. I am always here to be a listening ear and help you guys in any way that I can. My focus during this sale is to help you find items without having to search the site from front to back.  With that being said, I have SO MUCH fun shopping with you guys and providing my recommendations.


If you love hanging around and seeing my work and recommendations, please come back to my blog or Instagram and use the links I provide when making any purchase during the sale that you see from me. I will also be posting looks on my Instagram stories that you can shop by swiping up, as well as through the LiketoKnow.IT app. This small commission does help support my business. Using my links is what keeps this going and I can’t thank you enough. During this sale, I WORK. I work to make it easy for you to enjoy.

You have no idea how much I appreciate you and your love. It means more than you could ever imagine. I can’t wait to brave the chaos of this sale together and talk all things Nordstrom.

If you have ANY questions during the sale or at any point please either shoot me an email, comment on a blog post, grab me on instagram, or anywhere you can find me!


Nordstrom Sale 2020 PICKS


Tanner X September & Co.